Drill Down Searching

In both the Employee Pool and Employees to Pay grids, you may use the ‘Drill Down’ facility for searching. This is a search focusing on column number one in the grid – typically the Employee Surname.

When you are viewing one of these grids, simply click your mouse somewhere in the grid then start typing the name that you are searching for. This search facility will locate the employee without needing the whole name, and the employee will be highlighted within the grid. In the following example, typing ‘nav’ has drilled down to locate the surname Navarette:

Drill Down Searching

Having Employee Surname in column one is set as part of the default layout of the grids. If you change the layout, e.g. to have Employee Number in column one, then your search needs to be based on the content of the first column – e.g. number instead of surname.

Return to Step 4 - Adding Employees to the Payrun.